Ally Queen

Who (tf) is Ben Hendricks

Ben Hendricks

Ben Hendricks is an artist figure who represents his higher self…. an ideal to strive for. He is actually a soul from the planet Arcturus who has come here to bring new values to pop culture. As an ambassador of the New World, he embodies a different perspective on how we should live together and create a society of appreciation. An idealist who stands for values like freedom, trust, love and connection, but who is also deeply connected to nature. An explorer of consciousness, a soul dedicated to growth.

But why an artist figure at all? As humans, we are perfectly imperfect. Ben, his real name is Benjamin. And as an idealist, it couldn't be any other way…. He needed something to do with his mission, which has been knocking on his door for several years. So Ben Hendricks represents Benjamin's higher self…. An ideal to which he aspires and which is a pioneer for change. The name came “out of nowhere” and Ally convinced him to take it.

The music Ben creates comes “from above” – His music is about change – a gentle, non-violent revolution. And these songs are like a guide – Ben: “I may not be that far along in my own evolution, but I see them as powerful stories that will manifest - or have they already?”